Tuesday, October 23, 2012

oct 23

Make sure to do the analysis from your sowbug race lab. You made a data table of time...displacement...and distance sowbug actually travelled. Do the average velocity for the whole displacement. Make sure to have a direction with it. Do the average speed for the entire distance travelled. Do a graph of the displacement over the whole trip. Do a graph of the displacement over the whole trip. .................................................................... Do average velocity for each segment using displacement data. Do average speeds for each segment using the distance data. ..................................................................... Graph the velocities for each interval(from displacement data). Do a second graph of speeds for each interval using the average speed for each interval (from distance data). Questions: 1. Which is faster?...the speed of the bug or the velocity of the bug? Show calculations for each and, explain why! 2. Which interval gave the fastest speed of the bug? Show calculations and explain why. 3. At which intervals is the organism moving at a constant speed? What is the evidence for this from at least two graphs? 4. In which intervals is the organism moving at a negative acceleration? Show calculations and evidence from a graph. 5.In which intervals is the organism moving at the greatest positive acceleration? Show calculations and evidence from a graph.

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