Wednesday, November 7, 2012

nov 7th hw

A person throws a ball downwards into the Grand Canyon at an initial speed of 10 m/s. What is the final speed of the ball after 20 seconds? How far would it travel in 20 seconds? If the canyon is 1600 meters deep at that spot, will it hit the ground before the 20 seconds are even up? If you throw a ball up into the air with an initial velocity of 0 m/s, how long will it take until it reaches its highest point? Remember that the acceleration of the ball is now negative because it is pulling the ball down as you throw it up, therefore decreasing its speed every second. Also know at its highest point the ball has a velocity of 0 m/s. A car going down the highway at a constant acceleration of 3.2 m/s2 , travels for 15 seconds. What is the final speed, and what is the distance it travels during that period? Do the questions out in the five step format on a piece of paper and hand it in at the begging of class. If you still don't know how to do these questions, research them online.

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