Thursday, May 30, 2013

may 30 hw

Do hw 1-40 (omit 6, 10, 23, 26) on the heat wave emr review.These are shorter answer questions and should be half of yesterdays hw.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

may 29 hw

Finish the first review and all the the second on electricity, magnetism, and power. This will count as a grade. Show all calculations! There will be a pretest on Monday!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

may 28th MCAS review

Do the first 50 problems in the MCAS review student resources "Forces review". This is a must, show all work. Your review work counts toward your grade 10% of your term grade. Parents...please make sure this work is completed, there will be two more review sheets given. The test is on June 4th and 5th, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. This is a lot of material to review, but it must be done in order to pass the Physics exam. Those taking the Technology test will have work from Mr. Hennessy instead.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

test Friday study guide

characteristics of waves: period, frequency; wavelength; amplitude; node; crest ; trough; normal line resting position; calculations of frequency, wavelength and speed of mechanical waves v=freq x wavelength, and electromagnetic waves c=freq x wavelength; definitions of all of the above terms; types of waves and their differences;Sound waves are longitudinal and have areas of compression and through a medium, faster in water than air, amplitude measured in decibels; P waves and S waves in earthquakes and the movement through solids and or magma; properties of waves-reflection and law of reflection; focusing off a parabolic reflector and applications; refraction of waves- fish example and mirage; doppler effect and applications police radar gun in a speed trap, and doppler radar for weather forecasting storm movement and tornadoes; Characteristics that make EMR good for communication; no mass to move, energy transfer without mass; moves through space or vacuum; needs no medium; frequency can be changed for encoding; amplitude can also be changed for encoding; the electromagnetic spectrum order and which ones have long wavelengths and low frequencies, and which ones have short wavelengths and high frequencies(and highest and most dangerous energies the last three in particular UV, xray, gamma radiation).

Monday, May 13, 2013

wave outline focus

In the student resources, wave outline has many lessons. focus on 0a,b; 1 a, b, c ,; 2 a-e; 3 a, b,; 4 a. You should have read all this by next weekend.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

5 9

For Tuesday, start going through all the lessons on waves. You will find the outline on the student resources. We will cover most of this material in the next two weeks.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Test on Tuesday

Test will be on AC DC, Ohm's law V=IR and P=IV, series and parallel circuits and differences in total resistance and currents, voltages, voltage drops on a resistor in a series circuit, AC and DC generators, electric motors, the magnetic field created by electricity moving through a wire, and how a magnetic field induces current through a wire, parts of electric motor or generator, stator, solenoid, commutator, brushes, law of magnetism and how to control the direction of the magnetic force by changing poles; strengths of magnetic fields and how to create stronger magnetic fields by: more coils, more voltage, more current, less resistance, greater diameter of wire, less distance between coil and stator, Make sure to meke a mathematical relationship, is it direct or indirect, give examples. elaborate... Know how homemade speakers work or how a homemade wind turbine would work for an open response; memorize how an electric generator works, and how an electric motor works know the conversion of either kinetic E to electrical E or if it's electricalE. to kinetic energy for each. Good luck

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4 30 13

There are new resources on electric motors and generators to look at tonight if you are still having trouble. memorize a sentence of how an electric motor works, and how an electric generator works.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Read links related to magnetism and do the worksheet attached in student resources.

Monday, April 22, 2013

4 22 13

Quiz tomorrow on the calculation of current and resistance in series and parallel circuits.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

test friday study guide for Mr Worden in student resources

Note the law of charges is broken up into three parts law of charges Coulomb's law conservation of charges same ideas but more appropriately named.

Friday, April 5, 2013

4 5 13

I will give a quiz on electrical components, symbols, their functions and whether or not they represent LOAD CONTROL CONDUCTOR OR POWER SOURCE. Good luck

Saturday, March 16, 2013

3 15 13

We will be learning about static electricity. Please read and go through the tutorials and self quizzes for lesson one and two as outlined on the static electricity link in student resources.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2 5 13

Check out heat of fusion; water phase changes and convection, conduction and radiation ion the blog resources and power points.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1 2 13

You can hand in the essay when I get back to work, hopefully tomorrow.