Thursday, May 23, 2013

test Friday study guide

characteristics of waves: period, frequency; wavelength; amplitude; node; crest ; trough; normal line resting position; calculations of frequency, wavelength and speed of mechanical waves v=freq x wavelength, and electromagnetic waves c=freq x wavelength; definitions of all of the above terms; types of waves and their differences;Sound waves are longitudinal and have areas of compression and through a medium, faster in water than air, amplitude measured in decibels; P waves and S waves in earthquakes and the movement through solids and or magma; properties of waves-reflection and law of reflection; focusing off a parabolic reflector and applications; refraction of waves- fish example and mirage; doppler effect and applications police radar gun in a speed trap, and doppler radar for weather forecasting storm movement and tornadoes; Characteristics that make EMR good for communication; no mass to move, energy transfer without mass; moves through space or vacuum; needs no medium; frequency can be changed for encoding; amplitude can also be changed for encoding; the electromagnetic spectrum order and which ones have long wavelengths and low frequencies, and which ones have short wavelengths and high frequencies(and highest and most dangerous energies the last three in particular UV, xray, gamma radiation).

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