Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sept 12 hw

Tomorrow we will be putting together a keynote presentation on the steps of the Scientific method and how to run a controlled experiment using the leaf disk lab as a model. You will have one day to put it together. Everyone in the group should be working on some of the slides, so divide the work fairly. Each student will be required to talk about their slides and what it represents.
Each slide should represent one of the steps of the scientific method. Make sure to just have an outline with the important points. It can't be a script to read from.
Font size should be 24 or larger.
You may put the data table and graph on the slides.
In the conclusion:
restate the hypothesis;
background information will be about controlled experiments;
3 pieces of evidence;
whether or not the hypothesis is supported;
no need to explain why your variable caused the measured result.
You will give your presentations on friday.
Good luck

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