Thursday, September 6, 2012

set 6 hw

Sorry the lab did not work, but it was good practice to learn time management and cooperative learning. You must be doing something in lab, instead of watching someone else work! Also when lab is over there were many leaves left out with holes in them, markers and hole punchers not returned to the front desk, syringes and cups not returned to the central supply area. You are responsible for cleaning up or it will reflect on your grade.

I found a leaf that will fall after one application of a vacuum. the leaf is green and white. It took me 15 minutes to run the experiment from start to finish. The next time we meet we will perform the experiment. You will be given 25 minutes to run it.

For homework, go through your notes on the Scientific Method, and for each thing we talked about (Problem, hypothesis, running an experiment that is valid, observations/data, analysis, conclusions) write down what you will do the next time in the lab to meet all the requirements of running a valid experiment , as well as what you will include in your report. You can give the actual problem, hypothesis, and method and how it will be a valid experiment., because these are things you must know before you start an experiment. You can also tell me how you will set up the data, and what type of graph you will use, as well as, what things to include in your conclusion.
This is due the next time we meet. IT NEEDS TO BE HAND WRITTEN. Do not send it electronically.

After we perform your experiment you will write a lab report.

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